Explaining our PBIS Program at New Branches Charter Academy

At New Branches Charter Academy, our mission is to provide a positive learning environment where our children learn to become healthy and responsible citizens. It is something that we strive for every school year, and is something that every member of our community believes in. From principal to teacher to families, everyone supports our students in becoming the best possible versions of themselves. One recent addition to our thriving school is the Positive Behavior Intervention Support program.


PBIS is an evidence-based three-tiered framework for improving and integrating every system and practice that affects student outcomes every day. It’s a way to support everyone to create the kind of school that we set out to be in our mission. This program is a commitment to addressing student behavior through systemic change. Teachers need the tools to create a positive classroom culture, and PBIS allows us to do that.




Big ideas that this program emphasizes are identifying and defining behavioral expectations, teaching those behavioral expectations, and acknowledging or encouraging behavior. It also gives us the data necessary to make proper decisions, and is a great resource for monitoring those behaviors.


Another important part of this program is giving students incentives for being safe, responsible, kind and respectful at all times. Something unique to New Branches Charter Academy are hive bucks, a currency that students earn by following the expectations set for them in the PBIS program. Students are rewarded with points that they can cash in for prizes at school. Winners are awarded three times a school year, and we have plenty of exciting surprises in store

PBIS Hive Bucks graphic for New Branches Charter Academy

New Branches Charter Academy is definitely the place to bee this fall, and as always you can find more information on our website and our social media. Keep an eye out for ways to stay involved this summer, and to those returning families in our community, enjoy your break!